
Dispatch Praises Successful Legal Challenge By Former Lantern Editor
On July 24, the Columbus Dispatch released an editorial praising a successful legal challenge by Jessica Langer, the former editor-in-chief of The Lantern, to the university’s refusal to provide…

New Lecturer Announcements: Autumn 2023
Tim Miller: LecturerAfter spending 15 years in the front offices of professional sports teams including a dozen years in communication roles with Major League Soccer clubs, Tim Miller (‘18)…

Kraft Speaks at the Education Writers of America Conference
Nicole Kraft, associate professor - clinical, spoke at the Education Writers of America conference in June on how journalists can better work with public information officers on the higher…

Maltese Scholar Studies at Ohio State as Fulbright Fellow
After a long career in journalism, Rosemarie Calleja, a Maltese journalist and senior media lecturer at Malta College of Arts Science & Technology, was looking for an opportunity that would…

The Lantern Wins Six Ohio SPJ Awards
The Lantern received first place in Best College News Writing, Best College Feature Writing, Best College Sports Writing and Best College Opinion Writing at Ohio’s Best Journalism Contest,…

Bushman and Kjærvik Gun Safety Research Published in JAMA Pediatrics
Professor Brad Bushman and PhD Candidate Sophie Kjærvik’s study “Effect of a Gun Safety Video on Children’s Behavior Around Real Guns” was published in JAMA Pediatrics on July 17.

Kraft Receives the 2022-2023 Career Services Award
Congratulations to Nicole Kraft, associate professor - clinical, for being awarded the 2022-2023 Career Services Award from the University Career…

2023 Miller Research Award
Congratulations to the 24th annual Miller Research Award recipients:
Hillary Shulman, associate professor Rachel Lopez, master’s degree student Kara Fort, PhD student …
Holt Discusses New Supreme Court Decision on Almanac
Earlier this month, Associate Professor Lanier Holt was featured on Almanac, a news program produced by Twin Cities Public Television (TPT), talking about the Supreme Court's latest decision…