
Ranked in the top five among high impact communication programs, Ohio State's School of Communication provides undergraduates with:

  • Rigorous and innovative curriculum
  • State-of-the-art multimedia classrooms
  • Multi-platform labs and podcasting studio
  • Hands-on training through internships
  • Alumni networking and mentoring opportunities
  • Access to internationally renowned faculty

There is no greater tool in the world than successful communication in all forms—written, spoken and conceptual—and The Ohio State University's School of Communication provides students with the training and skill to harness the power of communication. 

Our program equips students with the practical and analytical skills and knowledge related to communication principles--how to understand audiences, shape messages and interact with individuals and technologies, as well as the power and influence of communication on society.   

The School of Communication offers three specializations of communication:

  • Communication Analysis and Engagement
  • Communication Technology
  • Strategic Communication

Using the links to the right, we invite you to explore and discover what The Ohio State University's School of Communication has to offer!  

