

Lanier Holt

Study Addresses Effects of Calling COVID-19 the ‘Chinese Virus’

A new study conducted by Associate Professor Lanier Holt, Ph.D. student Sophie Kjaervik and Professor Brad Bushman has found that calling COVID-19 the “Chinese virus” – a term rejected by health…

Lanier Holt

Holt Featured in Business Insider

Lanier Holt, an associate professor who studies the connection between media portrayals and public perceptions of race, among other things, weighed in on Houston’s polarizing new bus seats that…

Lecturer Jeffrey Trimble

Jeffrey Timble Featured in The Hill

Lecturer Jeffrey Timble's opinion article titled Putin's options extend well beyond invasion was recently featured in The Hill. 

Trimble is a former journalist and broadcast manager…

Aerial view of Ohio State Oval

Former Lantern Editor Featured in Vanity Fair

Author Gerrick Kennedy, an Ohio State alumnus and former Lantern editor, was recently featured in Vanity Fair.

His book, Didn’t We Almost Have It All: In Defense of Whitney Houston,…

Matthew Grizzard

Matthew Grizzard Wins Mattox Award for Research

Assistant Professor Matthew Grizzard recently won the Mattox Award for research conducted in 2021.

The Sarah Evans Mattox Faculty Research endowment provides support on a competitive basis…

PRSSA members in Chicago

Ohio State PRSSA Visits Chicago

In November 2021, 12 members of Ohio State’s Public Relations Student Society of America traveled to Chicago for a three-day professional networking experience. …

Graham Dixon

Dixon Featured in Dayton Daily News

Dayton Daily News recently featured Assistant Professor Graham Dixon in their article titled "Decision time: Majority of area parents considering COVID shot for their young kids." 

Jesse Fox

Jesse Fox Quoted in MIT Technology Review

Sexual harassment doesn’t just happen in physical spaces. Jesse Fox, an associate professor of communication who researches the social implications of virtual reality, points out in Technology…

Mike Slater

Slater Discusses Anti-Drug Messaging in MEL Magazine

While McGruff the Crime Dog’s album Smart Kids aimed to keep kids away from the temptation of drugs in 1986, an out-of-context lyric now trending in TikTok videos lends a different perspective.…