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The Public Relations Student Society of America chapter at Ohio State will host the East-Central district PRSSA conference on Feb. 17 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The theme of the conference is PR…

Associate Professor - Clinical Nicole Kraft’s piece, ‘Sports broadcasters have a duty to report injuries responsibly-in the case of NFL’s Damar Hamlin, they passed the test,’ was published in The…

The Lantern exceeded its fundraising goal with its Rivalry Edition newspaper, produced in partnership with The Michigan Daily, raising nearly $17,000. The two student news outlets partner annually…

The Ohio State School of Communication Black Advertising Strategic Communication Association celebrated its 10th year anniversary in early November. A week later, BASCA’s executive board went on a…

Assistant Professor Mary Sterenberg has won the Public Relations Student Society of America Faculty Advisor of the Year award, presented by the national PRSSA organization. Sterenberg received…

Professor Brad Bushman won the American Psychological Association’s Morton Deutsch Conflict Resolution Award. APA’s Society for the Study of Conflict and Violence: Peace Psychology Division gives…

Akayla Gardner (Public Affairs Journalism, ‘21) appeared on air covering President Joe Biden’s trip to New York on MSNBC on Oct 7. She works as a White House Reporter for Bloomberg News. …

The Ohio State School of Communication partnered with the Ohio State University Police Department to conduct a mock crime scene, simulating breaking news. OSUPD hosted Lantern class reporters to…

Professor Brad Bushman was cited in the article “The Truth Behind Whether People Really Do Get “Hangry.’” 

Bushman led a research study that determined the lower the levels of a…