
Lantern Covers PhD Student Brathwaite Research on Social Media & Body Image
Research by School of Communication PhD student Kyla Brathwaite was published in a recent Lantern article depicting how social media usage can affect body image and comparisons relating to TikTok…

Recognizing Black-Owned Media/PR Companies and Black Journalists
In honor of Black History month, the School of Communication wants to recognize accomplishments in the communication/journalism field made by Black and African-American individuals. Black culture…

UC Santa Barbara Gonzales Gives Talk to Ohio State Students
UC Santa Barbara Associate Professor Amy Gonzales is hosting a talk on her research findings at Ohio State on Friday, Feb. 24.
Gonzales’ talk, ‘Building and Maintaining Social…

Ross Earns Second-place in Three Minute Thesis Competition
PhD student Morgan Ross earned second place in Ohio State’s College of Arts and Sciences 2023 Three Minute Thesis competition.
The competition asks graduate students to summarize…

Ohio State Faculty Make Most Productive Scholar List
The Communication Education journal published a list of the top 25 most productive communication scholars, with School of Communication Assistant Professor Alex Bonus appearing on the list.…

In Memoriam: Remembering Professor Brenda L. Dervin
The School of Communication expresses its sincere sorrow upon the death on Dec. 31, 2022, of our former colleague, Brenda L. Dervin, Professor Emeritus of Communication. Professor Dervin was a…

Brinberg on the Study of Human Interactions
Assistant Professor Mimi Brinberg’s research article, Conceptualizing and Examining Change in Communication Research, was published in Communication Methods and Measures. The publication explores…

NBCU Academy Names School of Comm an Academic Partner
NBCUniversal announced on Jan. 26 that The Ohio State University (College of Arts and Sciences and College of Engineering) is among 15 new academic partners in its NBCU Academy. The NBCU Academy…

Grizzard Accepted in 2023 GRO Academy
Associate Professor Matthew Grizzard was accepted into the Growing Research Opportunities Academy at Ohio State.
The GRO Academy helps researchers tackling complex societal…