School Undergrads, Alum Celebrated Awards Banquet

On April 17, 50 of the School of Communication’s highest achieving undergraduate scholars were celebrated at the school’s annual Undergraduate Scholarship & Awards Ceremony.

Dr. Kelly Garrett, director of the School of Communication, opened up the banquet by acknowledging the accomplishments of Jocelyn Dorsey, recipient of the Distinguished Alumni of the Year Award.
Dorsey was recognized for her trailblazing work in African American journalism and her many top accolades in the broadcasting industry. She served as Atlanta's first Black news anchor and covered significant campaigns throughout her career despite facing intense racism and sexism. Currently, she serves on the School of Communication’s Advancement Board.

Top Communication Scholar was presented to Audrey Taylor and Top Journalism Scholar was presented to Katherine Simon. These awards are presented to the top junior-level students who exhibited exceptional academic performance.
The George E. Hammond Scholarship Award was awarded to Amani Bayo, Nigel Becker and Tommy Hudec. Established in 2008, the George E. Hammond Scholarship Award recognizes the hard work of three students in communication and provides significant support toward recipients’ tuition expenses.
The Robert F. Wolfe Journalism Honor Medal, the school’s oldest award, was awarded to Jacob Benge, sports editor of The Lantern. Established in 1918, this award is traditionally given to a senior journalism student.

As a result of the school’s new partnership with NBC Universal Academy, the school announced eight recipients of a new NBCU Academy Scholarship: La'Trice Chatmon, Christian Harsa, Reneé McKnight, Lily Meienburg, Sharon Nimyel, Hosna Sadaqat, Arianna Smith and Keilah Thompson.
These awards were created with the intention to support students that are committed to creating content reflective of diverse communities and aspire to work in the news and media technology industry.
The first ever Hermanoff PRSSA/PRactice Leadership Awards, which were created to honor those who served in leadership positions in the School’s Public Relations Student Society of America Chapter and student PR firm, were presented to Lauren Bulkley and Olivia Cohen.
The school appreciates all of the alumni donations that make this support for students possible.
Alumni interested in helping the school fulfill its mission to make the next generation of communicators and communication scholars the best it can be can review donation opportunities.
The following students were honored with awards and scholarships for their outstanding academic and professional achievements:
Distinguished Alumni of the Year Award: Jocelyn Dorsey
BASCA Scholarship: Cai Strachan
Bollinger-Kissell Scholarship: Jenna Muñoz
Marsha S. Bosley Memorial Scholarship: Gabby Khodadad
William Drenten Memorial Scholarship: Autumn Imhoff
Charles W. Durfey Memorial Scholarship: Emily Sculli
Robert W. Ferguson Award for Excellence in Writing: Kaley Richard
John B. Fullen Scholarship: A.J. Hymiller
William Randolph Hearst Scholarship: Jordyn Marsh
Sandra M. and Michael J. Hermanoff Scholarship: Rachal Darner
Donald L. Kidwell Memorial Scholarship: Megan Husslein
George J. Kienzle Memorial Scholarship: Emma Dawson
Kappa Tau Alpha (KTA) Recognition of New Members: Paige Cirtwill, Danny Fogarty, Morgan Gibbs, Mary Kidwell, Jessica Langer
Kappa Tau Alpha (KTA) Top Scholar Award: Danny Fogarty
Kappa Tau Alpha (KTA) Paul V. Peterson Memorial Scholarship: Jessica Langer
Brennan Family Award for Courageous Journalism: Jessica Langer
Hermanoff Lantern Editor Position: Josie Stewart
Carolyn N. Kraft Lantern Editor Position: Meghan Beery
Patricia B. Miller Lantern Editor Position: Phoebe Helms
John R. Oller Lantern Editor Position: Amani Bayo
Robert F. Wolfe Journalism Honor Medal: Jacob Benge
Ann Mack Communication Technology Scholarship: Makiya Jenkins
Judy Stewart Mesenburg Memorial Scholarship: Lindsey Romano
Ohio Newspaper Fund: Danielle Ingram
James E. Pollard Memorial Scholarship: Dongli Tao
Robert E. Schaefer Scholarship: Jaclyn Karpinsky, Olivia Riley, Bailey Wood,
Hermanoff PRSSA/PRactice Leadership Award: Lauren Bulkley, Olivia Cohen
Walter W. Seifert Award: Kobie Parrish
Stairway to Heaven Scholarship: Madison Vereb
Frank J. Tate Scholarship in Journalism: Nicole Giannetta
Director’s Award for Achievement: Angela Ciarochi
Marcy Hill Terry Memorial Scholarship: Grace Keller
Paul Underwood Endowment Scholarship: Meghan Beery
Wilson Sports Writing Scholarship: Tyler Danburg
NBCU Academy Scholarship: La'Trice Chatmon, Christian Harsa, Reneé McKnight, Lily Meienburg, Sharon Nimyel, Hosna Sadaqat, Arianna Smith, Keilah Thompson.
George E. Hammond Scholarship in Communication: Amani Bayo, Nigel Becker, Tommy Hudec
Top Scholar Award- Communication: Audrey Taylor
Top Scholar Award- Journalism: Katherine Simon