School of Comm Partners with Cleveland Council on World Affairs

May 25, 2023

School of Comm Partners with Cleveland Council on World Affairs

Visitors from Cameroon getting their picture taken

The School of Communication hosted 10 journalists and media professionals from Cameroon through a partnership with the Cleveland Council on World Affairs on April 21.

The event addressed important media topics such as combating disinformation, understanding trends in the rise of fake news, intersections with digital and social media and the landscape of media in the United States.

The visitors consisted of reporters from: 

  • Cameroon Radio Television (CRTV)
  • Le Jour, L'Oeil du Sahel
  • StopIntox
  • The Guardian Post
  • Equinox TV

The station manager of Siantou Radio and publisher of Ecogreen Afrik were also in attendance. They met with School of Communication Director Kelly Garrett, Undergraduate Journalism Program Director Gerald Kosicki, Associate Professor - Clinical Nicole Kraft, Assistant Professor Laura Partain and Lecturer Jeffrey Trimble.