

Teresa Lynch Headshot

Lynch wins Mattox Research Award

Congratulations to Assistant Professor Teresa Lynch for winning the 2023 Mattox Research Award. The Sarah Evans Mattox Faculty Research endowment provides support on a competitive basis…

PRSSA Pacesetter Award Certificate

Ohio State PRSSA receives Fall 2023 Pacesetter Award

Congratulations to the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) chapter at Ohio State for receiving third place for the Pacesetter Award from PRSSA National for its efforts in…

Jessica Ryu and Shelly Hovick posing for picture with top paper award at NCA 2023.

Ryu, Hovick receive top paper award at NCA 23

PhD student Jessica Ryu and Associate Professor Shelly Hovick received a Top Paper Award in the Health Communication Division for their manuscript titled "Current Approaches and New…

Front Cover of "Teaching Media Ethics"

Kraft co-edits new ethics book

Associate Professor of Practice Nicole Kraft co-edited a new book aimed to help instructors across communication studies better incorporate ethics into their curriculum.

Kraft joined with…

NCA 109th National Convention

Disposition formation research receives top paper award at NCA 2023

PhD student Lucy Brown, Associate Professor Matthew Grizzard, Senior Lecturer Joe Francemone, Rebecca Frazer (PhD 23), PhD student Annie Dooley, PhD student Chas Monge and MA student Samantha…

Morgan Ross headshot

Ross receives top paper award at NCA 2023

PhD candidate Morgan Ross and external collaborator Kostadin Kushlev received a Top 4 Paper Award from the Human Communication and Technology Division for the paper "Antecedents and…

Graham Dixon headshot

Dixon receives top poster award from Society for Risk Analysis

Associate Professor Graham Dixon received a top poster award for “Exploring Pluralistic Ignorance in Republican Support for Climate Change…


Two grad students elected to ICA officer roles

PhD student Annie Dooley and PhD candidate Morgan Ross were elected to hold Student and Early Career Representative positions within the International Communication Association’s Game Studies and…

Bushman titled "Incoming Editor" on Psychology of Violence journal.

Bushman named editor of Psychology of Violence journal

Professor Brad Bushman was selected as the next editor for the American Psychological Association's Psychology of Violence journal. The position has a term of 6.5 years and starts in Jan…