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Assistant Professor Richard Huskey was named the 2017 Annie Lang Dissertation Award recipient for the Information Systems Division of the International Communication Association.


The Communication Theory and Methodology division of the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication awarded School of Communication faculty and graduate student with top…

Three School of Communication undergraduate students received awards at The Ohio State University's annual Leadership Awards on April 21. 

Emma Grubaugh, a junior Strategic…

On April 21, School of Communication graduate students gathered for the annual Comm Day Graduate Student Celebration. The graduate students voted to select Miriam Metzger, PhD, from University of…

Gerard Basalla, a strategic communication and political science undergraduate student, will be the first student to speak at commencement in The Ohio State University's history. 

One of the School of Communication’s newest undergraduate course offerings is a Social Media Analytics class. The class utilizes the social media analytics software, Crimson Hexagon, to give…

Recently, Erik Nisbet, associate professor with the School of Communication and Mershon Center for International Security Studies, has been featured in various news mediums discussing political…

Strategic Communication Lecturer Jasmine Roberts presented at the three-day Open Education Global Conference in Cape Town, South Africa, in March. She shared her experience authoring an openly…

On Wednesday, April 19, the Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) The Ohio State University Chapter hosted distinguished alumnus, Sander Flaum at their weekly meeting.