The School of Communication Colloquium (COMM 7890) takes place Fridays from 12:40-1:35 p.m. in Journalism Building 106.
Tentative Schedule
- March 6: 2nd year talk Erin Drouin
- March 20: Grad Visitation Day: Student Panel
- March 27: Job Talk
- April 3: Dr. Brian Weeks, Assistant Professor, University of Michigan
- April 10: 2nd year talk Yue Li
- April 17: Comm Day: Dr. Lance Holbert, Professor, Temple University, JoC editor
Course Goals
To provide a forum for the presentation of the types of research conducted in the School of Communication by its faculty and students, as well as by those in allied fields at The Ohio State University.
To provide a forum for the presentation of communication research conducted by scholars from outside The Ohio State University, which will be invited presentations, job talks, etc.
To provide a forum for second-year doctoral students to present their research ideas and findings and obtain feedback from fellow students and faculty, as required by the School of Communication doctoral program.
To provide opportunities for academic and professional socialization of School of Communication graduate students through panel discussions with faculty, graduate students, and invited speakers from related departments (e.g., teaching, research and career related).
Expectations for COMM 7890 Students
The School’s colloquium series is open to all students and faculty in the School of Communication and beyond, regardless of formal enrollment status. However, it is a required component of the School of Communication MA (2 semesters) and PhD programs (4 semesters). Therefore, any student formally enrolled in COMM 7890 for credit is expected to attend colloquium as if it were any other course. Because there are no tests or papers required for COMM 7890, there is a single criterion on which the Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory grade assignments will be made at the end of each semester: engaged attendance.
Engaged attendance will be tracked through a sign-up sheet at each colloquium and observation by the instructor or other members of the Graduate Studies Committee. If you are there and do not see the sign up sheet, please ask for it at the end of colloquium. Students who miss a given colloquium session need to notify the instructor in advance and provide suitable documentation for why colloquium was missed. If a student fails to attend at least 75% of the scheduled colloquium sessions without sufficient documentation (and completion of an appropriate make-up assignment), this may lead to a “U” (Unsatisfactory) grade for the course. For those required to enroll in colloquium, semesters with a “U” grade cannot be counted toward the requirement.
In addition to your physical presence, your mental presence is also required as part of the “engaged attendance” requirement. What this means is that you should not be devoting your mental effort to matters unrelated to the colloquium talk. Writing or reading papers, analyzing data, going online, emailing, texting, talking, sleeping, and other distracting and disrespectful behavior should be avoiding during colloquium. Students observed being engaged in these behaviors will not receive credit for engaged attendance for that session.
More generally, students should NOT use laptops and other portable electronic devices during colloquium unless explicitly required as part of the colloquium topic (e.g., training using online resources). Notes may be taken with paper and pen.