Richard Dixon, a graduating senior studying strategic communication and video game design, credits his current professional development and interpersonal communication skills to his involvement in the Black Advertising and Strategic Communication Association at Ohio State.
To Dixon, BASCA bridged the gap between his desire for community and professional development and provided him with the freedom to explore a variety of potential career paths in the field of communication.
“BASCA helped me kind of put a professional spin on…a little bit more of what I came in with,” Dixon said. “It also helped me get out of the bubble that I was in that came with the pandemic.”
One of the most important connections Dixon made during his time with BASCA was with the organization’s founder, Professor Osei Appiah.
“I've been really grateful for that connection because he's brought up things in me that I otherwise probably would've taken a little longer to get on my own,” Dixon said.
One notable experience that Dixon had with BASCA was the organization's trip to New York City where they visited companies such as Spotify, Victoria’s Secret and Warner Music to talk with professionals in marketing and strategic communications departments.
According to Dixon, the trip provided eye opening insights into the trial and error of attaining jobs, especially those in high-profile and competitive positions, and lessened the pressure of finding something amazing immediately.
BASCA also has a partnership with The Shipyard, an independent marketing agency in Columbus. As a result, two internship positions within the agency are guaranteed for members of BASCA every summer, leading Dixon to secure a summer internship opportunity.
During his internship, Dixon worked in project and account management, which involved coordinating and collaborating closely with both departments within the agency. Due to his quality work in these fields, the agency allowed him to expand his role and also help with campaign planning, recruitment and migration to a new project management platform.
Dixon said his experience at The Shipyard gave him valuable insights into agency work, in comparison to corporate work, and provided him with a diverse range of experiences and opportunities.
Now a co-vice president of BASCA, Dixon aspires to be the type of person that he would have needed during his earlier years of figuring out his career path.
“You know, some people are probably a little more reserved, so you wanna make sure that you're reaching everybody or reaching as many people as possible, being as flexible as possible for the amount of people that you wanna reach,” Dixon said. “So for me, that's just kind of a point that I've just tried to make in everything that I do.”
Post-graduation, Dixon wants to break into the entertainment industry and find an environment that would allow him to showcase his creativity and collaborate with others while also connecting with a public audience.
Further down the road, he hopes to be a mentor for others and provide guidance to those who need it.
“I'm just walking in with an open mind and open heart,” Dixon said.
Article written by student Jessica Barboza