Despite starting their college career in the midst of the pandemic, sisters Lena Wu (Communication Analysis & Engagement, ‘23) and LeVana Wu (Communication Analysis & Engagement, ‘23) have both studied abroad twice on scholarship during their time at Ohio State.
Studying abroad was an experience that was very important to both Lena and LeVana Wu, and it played a crucial role in the sisters’ decision to pick a major. With the communication analysis and engagement specialization, both women were able to earn credits abroad.
They first went to London where they studied fashion, and second to Barcelona where they earned their foreign language credits.
“I liked communication and analysis because it was broad and I could travel abroad,” Lena said. “You’re free to pick the classes that you want within communications, so it allowed me to still take some journalism classes but also be able to take other classes as well.”
Some classes that they found most enriching within the major include Principles of Effective Public Speaking (COMM 2110), Persuasive Communication (COMM 2367) and Career Development in Communication (COMM 3800).
“I absolutely do not like public speaking at all, but I felt like I grew the most while taking public speaking,” Lena Wu said.
The persuasive communication class also changed her perception of communication she sees companies using around her.
“Now when I see commercials I’m like, ‘I know what type of persuasion technique you’re using on me.'”
LeVana Wu is currently taking the Career Development in Communication course, which she appreciates because it forces her to look at career options for after she graduates.
“They have a mock interview, where you do elevator pitches…and then other opportunities where you promote your LinkedIn. So in the class I kind of like how they push you to do those things and then you have people there to help you and to guide you,” she said.
Another reason the sisters chose to study communication analysis and engagement is because of its wide range of career opportunities post-graduation. Lena Wu is interested in journalism and public relations opportunities but did not want to “pigeonhole” herself into just journalism. Likewise, LeVana Wu wanted to pick a major that would maximize the number of credits that she could transfer while also giving herself the most career options when she graduates.
Specifically, both sisters are set on becoming involved in the fashion industry and are members of the Fashion Production Association, a student organization at Ohio State which focuses on runway modeling and promoting fashion throughout the university. Lena Wu also writes articles for Ohio State’s fashion magazine, the Scarlette Magazine, and is a member of the Public Relations Student Society of America chapter at Ohio State.
Post-graduation, LeVana Wu aims to start her own fashion company, and is involved in Ohio State’s Women’s Founders Organization, and Lena Wu wants to focus on promoting sustainable practices within the fashion industry.
Article by student Jessica Barboza