Alumnus Trevor Thompkins (Strategic Communication, ‘16) changed the trajectory of his career when he was introduced to Ohio State’s EcoCAR, eventually scoring him a job at General Motors.
Shortly after dropping his engineering major and going undecided, Thompkins discovered the Ohio State EcoCAR challenge team at Ohio State. Supported by Ohio State’s Center for Automotive Research, the EcoCAR team is a group of undergraduate and graduate students who convert a GM-donated vehicle into a hybrid-electric vehicle. This competitive program reignited Thompkin’s love and passion for cars. He became the communications manager for EcoCAR in 2014, and he realized that many of his skills aligned nicely with the field.
Thompkins assisted in the design of an annual communications plan, creating a recognizable “voice” for all EcoCAR social sites. He also coordinated outreach, developed blog content and made EcoCAR attractive to the media.
“EcoCAR was sponsored by General Motors,” said Thompkins. “I had the opportunity to meet a few General Motors communication people and others with shared interests.”
Thompkins’ EcoCAR connections and experience helped him secure a position as an advanced technology communications intern with General Motors straight out of undergrad. Thompkins has stayed at General Motors for the last six years and is currently the senior manager of Chevrolet communications.
“Right now I get to work on really cool products that are recognized around the world, '' Thompkins said. “There are 70 years of history at General Motors, and I get to be one of the decision-makers on how cars are revealed and shared with the media.”
Thompkins works on performance line-ups and the Chevrolet Corvette on a daily basis. He loves any opportunity to hear consumer opinions.
“That’s always fun and a fun part of the job I have currently, '' said Thompkins. “I want to put out projects and bodies of work that I’m proud of.”
Thompkins graduated from Ohio State with a Bachelor of Arts degree in strategic communication and a minor in business.
During his four years at Ohio State, Thompkins capitalized on campus resources and sought out campus leadership opportunities in different organizations, including the Public Relations Student Society of America, the Black Advertising and Strategic Communication Association, and the Resident’s Halls Council.
“One of the most memorable PRSSA meetings was when they brought in a speaker who managed the public relations for General Motors,” Thompkins said.
Article by student Caelyn Boyd