The National Communication Association (NCA), a major academic organization in mass communication, awarded Lanier Holt, an associate professor of communication, the Donald H. Ecroyd Award for Outstanding Teaching in Higher Education. The award is given to an NCA member who demonstrates outstanding teaching in higher education.
“Pretty much every university in the country has some iteration of a communication program,” Holt said. “To be considered No. 1 in the country by an organization that has such high standards for teaching excellence as NCA is truly an honor.”
Holt said the award also speaks to the quality of Ohio State’s communication program.
“Not only do we have the nation’s top research program, but now we also support the best in teaching as I would not have received this with the support of my colleagues, specifically Drs. Cho, Kline, Slater and Appiah,” he said.
Holt was formally recognized at the NCA 107th Annual Convention on Nov. 20 in Seattle.