April 15, 2016
Top Undergrads Honored

The School of Communication honored top students at its annual Undergraduate Scholarship and Awards Ceremony April 8. Carly Cheton received the Director’s Award for Achievement in Communication as the outstanding senior student, in recognition of her scholarship and professional promise. Top Scholar Awards for junior students were awarded to Olivia Monnin, communication, and Amanda Etchison, journalism, for exceptional academic achievement.
The following students were honored with awards and scholarships in recognition of their outstanding academics and professional achievements:
- BASCA Scholarship: Selina Dunbar
- The Loren E. Bollinger-Kenneth E. Kissel Scholarship: Michael Huson
- Marsha S. Bosley Memorial Scholarship: Sallee Ann Ruibal
- Michael V. DiSalle Scholarship: Ross Tamburro
- William M. Drenten Memorial Scholarship: Elizabeth Suarez
- Charles W. Durfey Memorial Scholarship: Jacob Myers
- Robert W. Ferguson Award for Excellence in Writing: Maria Fernandez
- John B. Fullen Scholarship: Robert Scarpinito
- William Randolph Hearst Foundation Scholarship: Amanda Vaughn
- Donald L. Kidwell Memorial Scholarship: Sydney Schaefer
- George J. Kienzle Memorial Scholarship: Ariana Bernard
- John R. Oller Special Lantern Editor Position: Kevin Stankiewicz
- Patricia B. Miller Special Lantern Editor Position: Amanda Etchison
- The Robert Wolfe Journalism Honor Medal: Alexandria Drummer
- Judy Stewart Mesenburg Memorial Scholarship: Xirui Mao
- Ohio Newspaper Fund Award: Carlee Frank
- James E. Pollard Memorial Scholarship: Alicia Nelson
- Robert E. Schaefer Scholarship: Dominique Johnson, Jennie McAndrew, Abigail Vesoulis
- Walter W. Seifert (see’ fert) Award: Lauriane Abbey
- Stairway to Heaven Scholarship: Evan Brown
- Frank J. Tate Scholarship: Elizabeth Tzagournis
- Marcy Hill Terry Scholarship: Melissa Schrader
- Paul S. Underwood Scholarship: Massarah (Sarah) Mikati
- Wilson Sports Writing Scholarship: Giustino Bovenzi
- George E. Hammond Scholarship Awards: Gabrielle Benton, Cheyenne Meek, Elizabeth Suarez