Study Looks At How Race Affects Listening During Political Conversations

June 5, 2020

Study Looks At How Race Affects Listening During Political Conversations

William Eveland

A new study by School of Comm Professor William (Chip) Eveland looks at how black and white people listen to each other during political discussions, including ones that touch on controversial issues about race.

Researchers at The Ohio State University found that, in general, blacks were slightly more likely than whites to say they really listen to others during political discussions.
But in discussions of controversial topics of race – such as white people’s use of the Confederate flag and police treatment of blacks – black respondents were more likely than whites to say that it would be “hard” to truly listen to a cross-race discussion partner.
Eveland conducted the study with Ohio State colleagues Professor Osei Appiah and Kathryn Coduto and Olivia Bullock, doctoral students in communication. Their paper was published recently in the journal Political Communication.
See an Ohio State News article for more.