Shulman's Class Raises $9,100 for Local Nonprofits

Students in assistant professor Hillary Shulman's COMM 4635 class raised $9,100 and collected 2,902 gift bags for local nonprofits.
Thirty-five students worked in small groups to raise funds for the nonprofits they selected, which included Huckleberry House, the Columbus Humane Society, Buckeye Food Alliance, Save a Warrior Foundation, Vineyard Food Pantry and the Riverview International Center. Snack bags were donated to the Ronald McDonald House of Central Ohio.
The final project of the class challenged students to raise money through any means possible: bake sales, online fundraising, parties, auctions, solicitations from businesses, etc.
"I figured that if students have to endure a group project anyway, they might as well do something that serves the community," Shulman said.
The class has raised more than $15,000 in just two semesters at Ohio State.
For more information, read the article published to Ohio State Outreach and Engagement.