Ohio State PRSSA Travels To D.C.

November 15, 2022

Ohio State PRSSA Travels To D.C.


The Public Relations Student Society of America chapter at Ohio State, a School of Communication student organization, recently traveled to Washington, D.C. 

Eleven students had the opportunity to network with professionals from public affairs agencies, congressional offices and members of the PRSSA chapter at American University. PRSSA visited C-SPAN, FINN Partners, APCO Worldwide, Business Roundtable and the U.S. Travel Association. Smaller groups held coffee chats with Ohio State alumni now working in political communication in D.C. 

Students also met with the press secretary for Ohio Democratic Rep. Joyce Beatty (representing Ohio’s University District), the press office for recent Ohio Democratic nominee for Senate Tim Ryan, and the press secretary and speech writer for Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell. 

The trip to D.C. was planned by PRSSA President Olivia Cohen, as well as fellow executive board members Kobie Parrish and Lindsay Romano.

“PRSSA’s Washington, D.C., trip helped me learn more about strategic communication and public relations work with a focus on politics,” Kobie Parrish, PRSSA digital director, remarked. “Event planning was a big part of my experience for this trip as I worked with other board members to line up speakers, agency visits, and meetings with congressional offices on Capitol Hill.”

The trip to Washington, D.C., exposed students to careers in public relations, public affairs, politics and more. Students created connections in the capital, giving them a network in D.C. for future opportunities. 

“Through this, I formed a new network and made connections that will benefit me in my public relations affairs and PR career,” Parrish said. “Alongside the professional development, it was nice to be back in Washington, D.C., once again and to experience the city with people I consider good friends of mine. Seeing the sights and all that D.C. had to offer us students was such a fun time, and I feel that this trip was a great success!” 

To get involved with PRSSA, visit the Ohio State PRSSA website.

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