Nisbet, Trimble Speak on Fake News, Disinformation

March 24, 2019

Nisbet, Trimble Speak on Fake News, Disinformation

Erik Nisbet

Lecturer Jeffrey Trimble

Associate Professor Erik Nisbet and Lecturer Jeffrey Trimble were featured panel speakers at a luncheon on Feb. 15 sponsored by Third Friday Democrats. The event was held to discuss the impact of fake news and disinformation on election results and various legislative agendas in the United States. The panelists also discussed how these tactics are used globally and what can be done to fight them and reduce their impact.

Nisbet is the co-director of the Eurasian Security and Governance Program at the Mershon Center for International Security Studies and has an extensive background in political communication research. Trimble has over 35 years of experience as an international journalist, editor and media manager.