Grizzard, Francemone Research Death and Grief in Media Entertainment

November 3, 2022

Grizzard, Francemone Research Death and Grief in Media Entertainment

Matthew Grizzard

Congratulations to Associate Professor Matthew Grizzard and PhD student Joe Francemone, whose research article, “Humor and poignancy: Exploring narrative pathways to face death and bereavement” was recently published in Frontiers in Communication Journal

The experimental study tests the effects of grief and death in media with a connectedness to death acceptance. The participants read a story either poignant- or humor-focused about a woman giving a eulogy. Next, they answer questions about their response to the story. 

Their paper is one of 10 articles included in the “Existential Narratives: Increasing Psychological Wellbeing Through Story” research topic. 

Read the full article in the Frontiers in Communication Journal.