Grizzard featured in alumni magazine article

Associate Professor Matt Grizzard was featured in the Ohio State alumni magazine explaining why media viewers provide some villains with sympathy, but not others.
Grizzard, a media psychology researcher, answered alumni questions, examining why viewers like certain stories, and what makes certain characters adored and others hated.
“You don’t have to watch someone you trust, you have to watch someone you don’t trust, and that distrust process leads us to pay attention to these characters more than other people. When we do root for them, it’s usually because the narrative is structured so that they’re the best character we can hope for in that story,” said Grizzard.
Grizzard says competency among villains also makes them better characters as it makes for a greater challenge and satisfying ending for the hero.
Grizzard concluded that fictional characters and stories “gives us this license to enjoy things we couldn’t necessarily enjoy outside of fiction.”