Farkas Receives 2022 Walt Seifert Award

Lecturer Dan Farkas was named the 19th recipient of the Walt Seifert for Outstanding Service to Public Relations Student Society of America (PRSSA) Award. This award recognizes a chapter member who has provided outstanding service to PRSSA students, PRSSA chapters in Central Ohio Public Relations Society of America (PRSA) and the national PRSSA.
Farkas teaches courses focusing on research strategy, content creation, measurement and analytics. Farkas also currently serves on the board of directors for the PRSA Central Ohio Chapter.
Farkas co-advises The Ohio State University PRSSA chapter, primarily responsible for its affiliated student-run communication firm, The PRactice. During his time as an advisor, the PRactice has seen a 10% growth in membership. He has received two national awards for the organization's growth, diversity and public service.
Farkas previously advised the Ohio University PRSSA chapter. Chapters advised by Farkas have earned national recognition such as Chapter of the Year, Student Run Firm of the Year, Pacesetter, and Star Chapter.