COMM 7789: Survey Research Practicum
Hands-on applications for students interested in the planning, implementation and analysis of a scientific sample survey.
Prereq: Admission to grad survey research, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 7789 or 789 in Econ, PolitSc, Stat, AEDEcon, AgrEduc, BusML, EduPL, Geog, Psych, PubHlth, or PubAfrs. Cross-listed in PolitSc, Econ, and Stat.
Prereq: Admission to grad survey research, or permission of instructor. Not open to students with credit for 7789 or 789 in Econ, PolitSc, Stat, AEDEcon, AgrEduc, BusML, EduPL, Geog, Psych, PubHlth, or PubAfrs. Cross-listed in PolitSc, Econ, and Stat.
Credit Hours
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