Zheng (Joyce) Wang Wins ASCoR McQuail Award

December 3, 2016

Zheng (Joyce) Wang Wins ASCoR McQuail Award

Joyce Wang

Dr. Zheng (Joyce) Wang is the recepient of the 2016 ASCoR McQuail Award. This award is given annually to the best article advancing communication theory published in peer-reviewed journals in the previous two years. The award recipient is chosen by an international committee. 

Wang is invited to Amsterdam, Netherlands, to give the annual McQuail lecture in December and will be a McQuail Honorary Fellow in the Amsterdam School of Communication Research. 

The award-winning article is "Multidimensions of Media Multitasking and Adaptive Media Selection," published in Human Communication Research in 2015. Graduate students Matt Irwin and Cody Cooper coauthored this publication. 

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