School of Communication Thanks John Oller (’79) for Gift

The School of Communication expresses its sincere thanks to John Oller for his recent gift, which will support Lantern editors who are not already supported through private gifts.
“In this time of social change and pandemic disruption, The Lantern’s role is more important than ever … yet the financial stresses on news organizations all over the U.S. are also challenging,” said School of Communication Director Dr. Michael Slater. “John’s generous gift will make an important difference in helping ensure that The Lantern continues to serve the Ohio State community in years to come.”
John established the Oller Lantern Special Editor in 2008, which allows a student editor to work on longer, more investigative or interpretive pieces than a typical editor. Since that time, a series of “Oller Reporters” have contributed numerous hard-hitting pieces of investigative journalism to the Lantern’s pages and have gone on to successful post-college careers.
“I wanted to give back to the university that gave so much to me,” John said.
Oller graduated summa cum laude from The Ohio State University with a B.A. in Journalism in 1979. He wrote and edited for the daily student newspaper, The Lantern, and interned as a reporter for newspapers such as the Cleveland Plain Dealer and Rochester Times-Union.
After college he obtained his law degree from Georgetown University in Washington, D.C. (magna cum laude), and joined the law firm of Willkie Farr & Gallagher in New York, where he made partner. At the end of 2011, John retired from active legal practice to concentrate on his writing career. He has authored six books and is a member of the Biographers International Organization.
Please consider supporting our deserving Lantern editors by making your own gift to the Lantern Editor Fund – 316980.