School of Comm 2020 Awards

The School of Communication is proud to honor more than 40 students with awards and scholarships for the 2019-2020 school year. We sincerely regret that we were not able to celebrate this achievement with students and their families in person, but it does not make the honors any less of an achievement. The School is greatly honored by students' outstanding hard work, personally and academically.
See below for a complete list of award winners.
Undergraduate Student Awards
BASCA Scholarship
Mikala Mahoney
The Loren E. Bollinger-Kenneth E. Kissel Scholarship
Caroline Foley
Marsha S. Bosley Memorial Scholarship
Jasmine Hilton
Brennan Family Award for Courageous Journalism
Jack Long
Michael V. DiSalle Scholarship
Richard Giang
William M. Drenten Memorial Scholarship
Daniel O'Leary
Charles W. Durfey Memorial Scholarship
Chantal Brown
Robert W. Ferguson Award for Excellence in Writing
Gabriel Burggraf
John B. Fullen Scholarship
Samantha Raudins
Lester C. Getzloe Memorial Scholarship
Maeve Walsh
William Randolph Hearst Foundation Scholarship
Allyson Williams
Sandra M. and Michael J. Hermanoff Scholarship
Tatyana Woodall
Marcy Hill Terry Memorial Scholarship
Leslie Pollard
Communication Internship Fund
Emma Scott Moran
Donald L. Kidwell Memorial Scholarship
Mary Kidwell
George J. Kienzle Memorial Scholarship
Akayla Gardner
Kappa Tau Alpha (KTA) Top Scholar Award
Darby Clark
Kappa Tau Alpha (KTA) Paul V. Peterson Scholarship
Kaylee Harter
Patricia B. Miller Special Lantern Editor Position
Bella Czajkowski
John R. Oller Special Lantern Editor Position
Maeve Walsh
Hermanoff Special Lantern Editor Position
Jack Long
Robert F. Wolfe Journalism Honor Medal
Kaylee Harter
Judy Stewart Mesenburg Memorial Scholarship
Emma Iammarino
Ohio Newspaper Fund Award
Gretchen Rudolph
James E. Pollard Memorial Scholarship
Paige Thobe
Robert E. Schaefer Scholarship
Emma Bowers
Maxwell Garrison
Elizabeth Kazemi
Walter W. Seifert Award
Avery Eliason
Stairway to Heaven Scholarship
Erika Kolb
Frank J. Tate Scholarship in Journalism
Kevin Lapka
Joseph S. Myers Award - Top Communication Graduating Senior
Brooke Crockett
Paul Underwood Scholarship
Sarah Szilagy
Paul Williams Scholarship
Collin Ginnan
Wilson Sports Writing Scholarship
Jacob Benge
Bill Zipf 4-H Scholarship
Jessica Sunderhaft
George E. Hammond Scholarship
Asia Atuah
Micahiah Brown-Davis
Hannah Weaver
Top Scholar Awards
Top Scholar: Communication
Eleanor Kapcar
Top Scholar: Journalism
Darby Clark
Graduate Student Awards
Walter B. Emery Memorial Scholarship
Austin Hubner
Doris Gildea Morgan Scholarship
Olivia Bullock
Albert Warren Scholarship
Wenbo Li
Outstanding Master's Student Award
Daniel Colon Amil