PRSSA Receives 2020 Star Chapter Award

Congratulations to the Public Relations Student Society of America chapter at Ohio State for receiving a 2020 Star Chapter Award from the PRSSA 2020–2021 National Committee. The Star Chapter Award, for which all Chapters in good standing are eligible, encourages Chapter leadership to provide programming and relationship building opportunities for students and rewards them for achieving these goals.
“Receiving the Star Chapter recognition is always such and honor and a reaffirmation that, as a chapter, we are doing all of the right things to prepare our members for their careers," said Ally Williams, PRSSA President. "We are providing them a great network of professionals, new and interesting ways to work in PR, real-world applications, and an appreciation for serving the community. That is what it means to be a Star Chapter.”
The PRSSA chapter at Ohio State has more than 150 members and operates an active student-run PR firm, The PRactice.